Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Welcome to the Doctor's Office

Why, hello there. If you're reading this, you (a), are following me on Twitter or (b), have stumbled on the best discovery you will ever make!

My name is Evelyn Long, a.k.a Dr. Potatoes (pictured below). I'm a comic-book reader, recreational gamer, artist and student. I post about comics (obviously), as well as the dumb day-to-day stuff I do that, for whatever reason, people seem to enjoy hearing about oh-so-much. You could consider me a "nerd-girl", but really, I'm just a person who likes comic books and video games that happens to be a female. I'm sort of a newbie to the comic book world. But in a little less than a year, my mind was slowly taken over by daydreams of Nightwing gliding over the Big Apple... heh.. hehe... 

ANYWAY, I hope you enjoy my geeky rants. If you do, and you aren't already following me on Twitter, go do it, fool!  @Dr_Potatoes_

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