Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Infamous Dress

Okay, so there's this dress. The ULTIMATE dress. And while it may not be exactly infamous, it's still pretty popular. If you're one of my long-time Twitter followers, you know which one I'm talking about.

Now when I received said dress, I didn't expect it to be such a hit. But everywhere I went, everyone loved it. And when I revealed to my much-loved followers, they loved it too! And eventually, people just knew what I meant when I said "Should I wear the dress this Wednesday to Mavericks?". And so, it just became "The Infamous Dress". Here's some pictures:

And now you see why it's the ULTIMATE dress. Not only is it adorable... It's Batman! I got it at Hot Topic, but I wouldn't think it would be in stock. It's all mine.... *maniacal laugh*

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